Download Results for Class 8th and 5th, 2011 – All Punjab Boards


Results for Class 8th and Class 5th for year 2011 are not announced yet. We are expecting this result on March 31st, 2011.

Check back this website for results soon.

If you want to get your result in email, then drop your Email and Roll Number in below form:

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Results of 5th and 8th for year 2010.

Today is result day, for year 2010 – You can download result sheet for Class 8th and Class 5th for all boards of Punjab. As PEC servers are too busy, we are trying to replicate files on ProPakistani Servers.

Request: If you have downloaded files for any board, please upload files on rapidshare or send us through this page.

Note: You may need to download Acrobat Reader to view PDF Files

Results for 2010 - Class 8th

Results for 2010 - Class 5th

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hafiz said...

please check me 8th class result

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