Kanye West Responds to George W. Bush

kanye george respond

His career has been a series of extreme highs and lows and Kanye West says he sympathizes with former President George W. Bush.

The “Love Lockdown” rapper told press he understands the stresses and drama that Bush endured in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

"I definitely can understand the way he feels, to be accused of being a racist in any way, because the same thing happened to me, where I got accused of being a racist.”

Comparing Bush’s situation to that of his own at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye continued, "With him, it was a lack of compassion of him not rushing, him not taking the time to rush down to New Orleans. For me, it was a lack of compassion of cutting someone off in their moment. But nonetheless, I think we're all quick to pull a race card in America. And now I'm more open, and the poetic justice that I feel, to have went through the same thing that he went [through]—and now I really more connect with him on just a humanitarian level."

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I used to want to hate Kanye West, as if it was the hip thing to do, however dammit, Kanye simply makes me like him a lot more every day.

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