How to create a mobile version of your WordPress blog?

Mobile internet users are increasing with every single sale of a mobile handsets, PDAs, smartphones etc. enabled with internet browsing. Every blogger/website owner should now also focus on capturing such users by creating a mobile version of their websites or blog. By creating a mobile version of your blog or website, you will be able to increase your presence to the mobile internet users segment as well.

Google Adsense is also focusing on AdSense for mobile content as it is mentioned in the below latest post of Inside Adsense Blog : -

Today, we’re excited to offer you a brand new report that shows you the platforms that your visitors are using to access your site. You’ll be able to see a breakdown of your earnings based on where your traffic is coming from, which you can use to then optimize your site and give users a better experience. For instance, if you find that you’re receiving a high percentage of traffic from mobile devices, we’d encourage you to create a mobile version of your website and monetize it with AdSense for mobile content.

With this feature, you’ll be able to see your performance data broken out into these categories:

- Desktop – all traffic coming from desktop users
- High-end mobile devices – includes smartphone devices
- Other mobile devices – includes low end and mid-range phones

Try out this new report by navigating to the new interface and clicking on the Performance reports tab. Choose Platforms in the left navigation.


Every blog or website should have a mobile version for the visitors who prefer to browse internet with their handsets. Because, mobile users may not view your website properly as you see it through your PC or Laptop. As a result, it may affect your e-business badly. You don’t have to make separate pages of your blog for the mobile users. If you are using WordPress for your blog then you can easily turn your existing site into a wap based site for the mobile visitors. Just follow the steps below.


1. Login with your blog’s Administrator Panel.

2. Click on “Add new” under the “Plugins” drop down menu.

3. In the search box type “WordPress Mobile Pack” and press “Search Plugins” button.

4. Install the first one which is with the following description “The WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about”.

5. After installing the plugin click on “Activate Plugin” to activate it.

6. That’s all. You have done it. Now the mobile visitors of your site will view what suits them perfect according to their handset’s screen resolution. Your site will remain as it was before for the PC or Laptop users. You can change themes and widgets of your mobile site whenever you want.

You can try other plugins as well to make the mobile version of your wordpress blog. (I am also testing it and I’ll update you guyz with the results)

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