What type of Data Entry work can I get at Home?
Read this article to find the types of jobs that you can get under the data entry category. Note that doing data entry work is one of the easiest ways to earn money online. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. With these two things, you can make some really good money.
I am working at freelance sites and I am making $3000+ per month. I do data entry and copywriting jobs.
It is 100% free to join: you will never pay anything from your pocket.
Now, if you want to learn more about the websites where you can get different types of data entry jobs, then read this guide:[in this guide, you will find links to top freelancing sites plus you can learn about registration and other things.]
Online Jobs Guide
If you already have read this guide and you want to know about the types of data entry jobs that you can get online, then carry on reading the below article.
Following are few commonly seen jobs in the data entry category:
Simple Typing
One of the most commonly seen jobs is Simple Typing. This is the easiest job of all. You simply have to type some content from a given source into Word or other type of documents.
The given source can be: Scanned pages, Pictures containing text, PDF files etc. No experience is required to do this work.
The faster you can type, the more money you can make with this work. And if you have two monitors attached to your PC then doing this work will be extremely easy. You can move the source document to the left monitor and start typing the content in the right hand monitor. You will complete the job in no time.
Collecting Data from the internet [Copy Paste Jobs]:
People often need to find some information on the internet. They need to collect this information in a file. This kind of work often require hours of searching. So people just hire service providers from freelance site to do this work for them.
Example of a data collecting or copy paste job:
A buyer may need to collect information about beauty parlors in UK. This information may include: Website URL, Phone Number, Email Address etc.
The buyer can need this information if he/she is building a web directory of Beauty Parlors in UK.
So your job will be to search for the required information on the internet. This process can take hours to complete.
You will have to copy paste content from the internet into any readable file.
Please Note: Do not accept any project where you are required to do any kind of spam work. For example: what if a buyer wants you to copy content from different websites so that he can illegally paste and use this content in his own site: Will you do this project?
This project requires you to involve in Spam work: this is because such buyers ask you to violate Copyrights of other sites. Scrapping content from the internet is a violation of copyright rules when a person is doing this without the required permissions.
Online Form Filling Jobs
There are many online form filling jobs in the data entry category. The work is extremely easy to do but is extremely time consuming.
Online form filling jobs require us to simply visit a site where we will have to enter some information into Electronic Forms.
Example of such work:
There are many online shopping sites where owners have to use online forms to add new items in their shopping cart. Instead of doing this work themselves, they simply hire other people.
There are several other types of form filling jobs that you can find at freelance sites. People have to enter lot of information in their data base and to make things more accessible they create programs using which they can enter the info into the data base more comfortably. But even with these programs, it takes so much time to manually enter the info into the program which then enters the given data into the data base. So to save time, these people choose to hire someone who can do this manual time consuming work for them.
Image Editing Jobs
This is also a very easy job to do given that you have the right tools and some experience. You need to have some software that can be used to do small editing in images. For this job, you will be given a set of images where you will have to make small edits.
Example of such work:
A buyer may have a list of 2000 images and that he wants to have all the images cut in half. This work can take lot of time to complete. I personally have seen so many projects where 1000's of images are required to be edited. The budget of this kind of job is quite huge.
But please note: If you do not have any experience in Image editing work, then do not apply for such projects. It may seem like an easy task but it is not. You need proper Tools and some experience in order to complete this task.
Captcha Entering
Beware of spamming jobs in the data entry category. Please do not involve in any kind of crime: Spamming = Crime
Captcha Entering jobs are nothing but spamming work. To find more info, please go here: Reasons to Hate Captcha Jobs
Article and Ad Submission
This type of work comes under the data entry and SEO categories: if you are a serious contender then I suggest you do some further research about this work.
This work pays well and you can win one or two projects every day.
Just make sure that you follow all the rules.
Your first objective is to create a list of sites where you are allowed to post articles and/or Ads. Please, never start a rampage of posting the given material all across the internet. This is also considered as Spamming.
Read all the Terms and Conditions of the website where you wish to post articles/ads.
Only take projects where Clean Work is required.
There are many other type of data entry jobs that you will find at freelancing sites. Go do some exploring:
And if you don’t have the knowledge about online freelance sites, then I will try to explain it in few paragraphs.
Companies all around the world face the problem where their data entry employees quit the job because they get a better offer by another company. Thus the companies have to post Ads in Newspapers and they have to hire more people: who may also quit the job after gaining some experience.
Data entry operators are always in search of a better paying jobs : )
But nowadays, Companies use freelancing sites to outsource work to online jobs seekers.
In this way, Companies pay less money for the work plus they don’t have to worry about the employee quitting the job as the Companies only hire employees on a contract base.
On the other hand people who are looking for work on the internet, can earn money via working for these companies. These users have the freedom to work for different companies and they never have to worry about going to any Office and they do not have to worry about giving answers to any Boss : )
To hire a data entry operator buyers simply opens a project. As soon as the project is opened data entry job seekers from all over the world start to apply for this job. People agree to work for low rates as there are multiple contractors who apply for the same project.[contractors = people who seek online jobs]
Register at sites which are mentioned in this free online jobs guide. After registration, look for data entry projects. If you find any interesting project, [Work that you can actually do], then submit your prosopal.
Does all this information makes any sense?
Well, for new comers, it’s difficult to understand how all this works. Therefore, I have created a free online jobs guide which you can read to learn lot of thing. I have mentioned the link to this guide above..
How much money can a person make via doing online data entry jobs?
You can make thousands of dollars every month and you don’t need to go anywhere. Just sit in front of your PC and start placing bids on projects that you can complete.
Doing data entry at home has many advantages. First of all, you are your own Boss. Work whenever you want to. No one can force you to do less or more work. Secondly, when someone is doing this kind of work in an office he is bound to receive the same amount of salary every month. The volume of Work can increase but the salary remains the same. Other employees may get paid for Overtime or their salary may increase often But data entry operators may not get any benefits.
This is not the case with users who work at freelance sites. You will always be rewarded by the agreed amount of money upon the completion of the project. If you work more, you will earn more and on doing good work, you can expect to get Bonus too : )
Here are few tips for making data entry work faster.
You will come across many situations where you will need to copy paste huge amount of entries and most of data entry jobs require us to do some kind of typing work.
So first of all, increase your typing speed.
Secondly, there are many free tools available on the internet that you can use to complete the given work much faster. Search and install these tools. These tools will do most of your work automatically. Doing the copy paste work manually can take days if not months : )
For example: if you won a project where the buyer needs to add some text in front of companies' names which are listed in a file and that the file contains 2000 listed companies. Now, one way to do this work will be to manually add the text in front of all 2000 listed companies' names.
Wait: there is another way to do this kind of work, Superfast. You can download TED Notepad. This software will help you with most of the data entry jobs that you will get.
i need data entry work to earn from home
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