Mink Singh offered few lakhs for a one night stand

mink singh

Even as the south Indian film industry is still reeling with dented reputation caused by the involvement of some actresses in prostitution racket, a similar spectre has reared its head in Bollywood. No one talks about it, but there are unconfirmed stories of many leading actresses being available for a price for celeb-crazy rich businessmen.

One actress who is being very vocal about her experience with one such ‘coordinator’ is the small-time starlet Mink. She participated in Zor Ka Jhatka most recently.

Mink tells a tabloid that she was contacted by a man on the phone. He offered her Rs. 10 lakh for doing a sari ad. The inordinate amount of money just for an ad did make Mink suspicious. Then on March 1, the man called again and came straight to the point.

Mink revealed, “I had been getting calls from a pimp for a one night stand with some businessman. I got the first call when I was out of town. The person called me and introduced himself as a coordinator.

He asked me if I was interested in modelling for a brand of saris and asked me if I had modelled for any sari brand earlier. I replied saying that I had not. Later he called me and said that he would give me Rs 10 lakh for the ad.

I was shocked at hearing that and became slightly suspicious because I know that no one gets paid 10 lakhs to model for a saree ad.”

“But I didn’t follow my suspicious instinct and asked him to call me when I returned to Mumbai. The man used to call me ‘didi’. He called me on March 1 and said that he wanted to have a frank talk with me.

I thought he was talking about the brokerage but surprisingly he said that he was a pimp and he hires Bollywood celebs for one night deals with businessmen and politicians. I was shocked on hearing that and I started laughing.

I asked him if he was crazy and whether he was not afraid of the cops. The man replied saying that these things are done secretly and since it involves influential people, no one cares,” said the actress.

Continuing the story, Mink says, “He then asked me to come to a five-star hotel where he would introduce me to his client and that I would be expected to spend the night with him. He also said he could give me 15 lakhs for it.”

“I refused point blank but he persisted and said I would just have to meet his clients and stand with him for which he would pay me good money. Then I probed further and asked if I would have to have dinner or coffee with them and he said, no, I would just have to stand next to him. I refused and disconnected the phone.

But the pimp kept me calling all day; I did not take his calls. At one time I thought of complaining at the police station. But then I wondered if he was the kind who would get vindictive if I did,” she adds.

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