Absolutely Free Call in Pakistan & Worldwide

Some telecom companies give free calls up to some extent, for example following company is giving free sign up internatioanl call to the internet users. This sign up call is free for the users of large number of countries.

Free Sign up for free calls: Click here

Can I make International free calls? Yes indeed you can make free international calls by the internet. This is only possible through the interest and not through your normal phone.

How can Internet help in free calls?
Internet can provide you with a facility called VOIP(Voice over Internet Protocol). The word VOIP itself explains everything .It means your voice is transferred from you through the internet from your computer in digital format till it reaches your customer and then transferred into analogue format which normal telephones intercept and the receiver gets your voice. Everything is carried through the internet and nothing through your phone.

I am using the internet.So,how can it be free?
Yes you are charged internet phone charges. But Internet charges have dropped so drastically that it is so negligible when compared to your normal International phone (through telephone).

How many types of International calling is possible?
The answer to this question keeps on increasing day by day with invent of newer technologies. But at the moment the following are possible.
1.Normal telephone--using which you need to sell your fortune to make calls internationally.

2.Using VoIP phones--The way many MNC's work. But equipment charges are to be met. VoIP for business needs is completely different.

3.Usig your computer--Speak through microphone and sign up with some provider who promises free but it isn't free!! You will have to pay. Phhh.........

4VOIp Hardware-Get yourself two Voip Hardware and call unlimited

5Trough free Globe --100% free calls using the method i describe over here.

Which are the countries I can call free?

Let me be very frank you can call to VOIP USA , VOIP Canada,VOIP China,VOIP Singapore, VOIP Hong Kong,VOIP Europe,VOIP Australia & New Zealand, VOIP Taiwan absolutely free.

Now the procedure to follow. It can be long but that's the way to go)

Firstly the system requirements:
1.A system with a decent configuration .
2.Updated Operating system with Multimedia support.

Tools to use:
1.Globe 7
2.Jajah calling

About above mentioned products:
1.Globe 7:--
This hugely popular product has taken the world by storm. Rated as the No.1 in VoIP products. Using this you can make free international calls (not really).
Get a free>S phone number (a very useful number whose importance you will know below). and can watch free videos.

Web-activated telephony. No software to download .
Just open this site and dial the number you want and your phone number.

First your phone rings and then the receivers phone rings. The main advantage is it doesn't use Internet.

Free calling Procedure:--
Now the actually points. Read below very carefully.

1.First download the software called GLOBE 7 from the links here. Then sign up with GLOBE &the right information. Please remember that you need to give everything valid information in order to make free calls successfully. Also the information you give here must be remembered by you for confirmation later.

Well using only globe 7 you can make free calls when you earn credits. You earn credits when you watch globe 7 videos. for ever 100 sec clip you get 0.0050 $.If you are satisfied by this earning and would like to spend your bandwidth in seeing videos then you can continue this for sure and don't read further. You can stop here. But If you want absolutely free calling go further reading.

2.Go to the website Free Calls|Free VoIP|Internet TV|Free International Calls|Lowest Calling Rates and then go to bottom of that page. There's a link for getting a free Us phone number. Click on GOLD member tab. This will lead to a page where in you need to confirm your details you gave while signing up. (Remember that I have already told you this while signing up that you will be requiring this info). Now after confirming your details you will be given a free US phone number.

Now you are inching towards your free calls. Just two steps and you will be there.

3.Now go to the site JAJAH - web-activated telephony and sign up giving E-mail id and your phone number (i.e. U.S. phone number provided by Globe 7 mailed to your email-id)

4.Thats it you enter any phone number (landline) in USA , Canada, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Europe, Australia & New Zealand, Taiwan in the dialog box in jajah website. Remember that you need to sign in globe 7 application .First you will receive an incoming call in Glob 7 application then the receivers phone rings.fell free to ask any doubts.

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ipad cover said...

Interesting article. Were did you got all the information from...

Ranjha said...

i can't belive this?

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